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The origin of the disappearance of the bear's tail

 It is said that once the bear was very handsome with a beautifully colored tail dangling. This makes the bear arrogant and always boast of its tail, especially against Wolves who also have a tail but not as beautiful as the bear's tail.


“Hey, look at this tail of mine! Isn't that great?” it's up to the Wolves.

At first, the wolf just smiled, respecting his friend. But for a long time the Wolf was very upset, because the bear insulted him with all the mockery. They say a wolf's tail is as ugly as a dried Pine Leaf.

One day, winter came. The surface of the water freezes into ice, so herds of animals have difficulty finding food. Once a wolf managed to steal fresh fish from the market. The bear who saw him was tempted and swallowed saliva. Ask the Wolf,

“Where did you get that fish?”

The Wolf, who is still annoyed with the bear, intends to deceive him. He said earnestly,

“If I tell you where I got this fish, I'm afraid you'll tell the other animals. Well, my livelihood is going to die this winter.”

“What a death, I won't tell anyone!"the bear.

"All right," said The Wolf.

“Look at the ice over there. That's part of the secret. Under that layer of ice, in the water, lots of fresh fish.”

“Ah, how can we catch that fresh fish? The ice is so thick, my claws won't catch it.”

“Your claws?"Mock The Wolf.

“You don't need claws, all you need is your tail.”

“My tail?"asked the bear somewhat hesitantly.

“Yes!"said The Wolf.

“Even if your tail is beautiful and strong, what does it mean to be useless? Listen carefully, dig a hole in the ice until it reaches the water. It doesn't need to be too wide, as long as your tail can fit in. Then wait until it feels like someone is biting your tail. If the movement is weak, then the fish is small. If the movement is strong and heavy, then the fish is large. Pull hard!"a wolf with a face.

Immediately, hungry, the bear drifted into the icy lake. He dug a layer of ice, made a hole the size of his tail, then inserted his beautiful tail into the hole. The bear sat quietly, waiting for a large fresh fish to bite its tail.

Brrr......! A cold wind blew. His ears were frozen. He felt his tail begin to pull. But let it alone, because the pull is weak. It waits until there comes a strong and heavy pull.

After hours of sitting and hungry stomach, he could not stand it anymore. And so he began to pluck his tail.

“Bup, bup, bup!” wow, it's not broken!

His hand helped lift, but it didn't lift either. When he felt that his tail feathers were covered with ice, he realized the Wolf's deceit. With all his might he pulled his tail.

“Brrrrkkk!” and cut off the bear's tail.

Its beautiful feathers hang down from the base. The bear cried, very sorry.

“Wolves! Wolves! Hey, where are you hiding!”

Deftly and deftly the bear glides on the ice. The bear paid no attention to the astonished cries of the other animals.

When he found the Wolf was sleeping leaning on a fallen pine tree, with a sneaking bear pounced on the Wolf's tail dangling. But the bear fell on his back.

“Ha ha ha ha ha, you saw the bear wrong! It was not my tail, but a dry pine shoot, " said the wolf with a laugh.

The bear is getting hotter and hotter. He was about to pursue the wolf, but the Wolf had already fled quickly and disappeared behind the Pines

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