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Fairy tale deer and snails

 One day a breezy breeze made the forest dwellers sleepy. Same with the cannon. To get rid of sleepiness the mouse deer walking in the forest while puffing his chest.

As he walked the deer said, " Who does not know the deer. The clever, the clever and the brave. Every problem is solved by me."

kancil dan siput
Deer and snails

When he reached the river, the deer immediately drank to relieve his thirst. The water is so clear that the deer can be glazed. Candace speaks alone.

"Crocodiles, elephants, tigers are all stupid animals, if you face me they can deceive me."

The mouse deer did not know that he was being watched by a snail sitting on a large boulder.

The snail said, " Hey mouse deer, you're so busy talking alone. What is it? Are you having fun?"

Kancil looking for the source of the sound. Finally the deer found the location of the snail.

"You've been watching me for a long time, haven't you? Small and cute snails. Eh no! You are small but not cute, but ugly like chicken droppings, " said the deer.

The snail was surprised to hear the deer's words that had insulted and irritated him.

Then the snail said,"O deer! you are clever and brave, that's why I challenge you to a speed race."

Finally they agreed the race was done next week. After the mouse deer left, the snail immediately called and gathered his friends.

The snail asks for help from his friends so that when the race will all have to be on the race track.

"Don't forget, you are hiding behind a boulder, and one must appear immediately if the mouse deer calls, that way we are always in front of the mouse deer," said siput.

The awaited day arrived. The deer came with his pride, feeling he would be very easy to win this race. The snail allows the mouse deer to run first and call him to make sure he has reached where he is.

The race begins. Deer walk leisurely, while snails immediately dive into the water.

After a few steps, the mouse mouse calls the snail. Suddenly a snail appeared in front of the mouse deer while exclaiming, " Hey mouse deer! I've been here."

The mouse deer was astonished, immediately he accelerated his pace. Then he called the snail again. It turned out that the snail was also already in front of him.

Finally the mouse deer ran but he called the snail, he always appeared in front of the mouse deer. He was sweating, his legs felt limp and his breath caught.

When almost finish, he called the snail, but there was no answer. The mouse deer thinks the snail is far behind and he will be the winner of the race.

The deer stopped running, he walked leisurely while resting. With a smile on his face, he said," there's no such thing as candy."

The mouse deer was surprised when he heard the sound of a snail sitting on a large rock.

"Oh, what a pity you're a mouse. It looks very tired, achieve ya run?"mock the snail.

No way! How can you come first, when I ran very fast, " exclaimed the deer.

"Just admit your defeat," said the snail.

The deer was still amazed and could not believe that he was defeated by an animal smaller than him. The deer bowed its head and admitted defeat.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask for a gift. I just want you to remember one thing, don't be arrogant with your cleverness and ingenuity. All animals have their own advantages and disadvantages, so do not like to insult and underestimate them," said the snail.

Snails immediately dive into the river. Leave the kancil with regret and shame.

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